Thursday 13 December 2018

Is gaming becoming to expensive?

What people and myself have started to realise is that big triple games are becoming more nd more expensive over time including to by the console as well. Now to buy the latest console it cost you an arm and a leg as the PS4 Pro is £350 on its own. Compared to the price of the PS2 when it came out being under £300, people say its because it didn't have the powerful processor but you have to remember for it releasing in 2000 this was as powerful as it got and the graphics were starting to become 3D which for then was mind blowing.

One new game which has seen a high price on launch is Mario Party for the switch which right now at launch was £50 on launch. Compare this to Mario Part 8 when it came out for the Nintendo Wii was £30 at launch. Even though now that its for a older console. We have to remember that this is the launch price when it was a brand new game as well. You see this trend all over the different consoles it isn't just Nintendo doing it.

But it isn't even just the newest instalments of games. It can also be the re-release of a old game. One example is Skyrim which is considered one of the most popular open world games. Its initial release was 2011 in November so the time of writing this its 7 years old. The release price for this game was on average between £35- £40. Because it was such a popular game remakes are still being made today. Wit games the older it gets the cheaper it will become but with Skyrim when it was remade for the Nintendo switch it started at £50. For a game which is 7 years old it was being sold as a remake for hiher that the initial price when it first came out which most people would have already played through it once or twice already.

The price of Skyrim is taken from Smyths Toys Super Store on the 12th of December 2018
This proves that buying games that aren't even online is become more expensive from what it was 8 years. But what about online games. Yes it can count as continuous game which never really end . But its getting more expensive for the extras you have to buy. Some of them you have to buy to be able to access the game. For all the newest consoles, XBOX, PS4 and Nintendo switch. You need to by there subscription service to be able to access the online feature of the game you just bought for £50 already. The highest being the Play Station Plus subscription which at its cheapest is £50 for the year. If you want to buy it for every month it ends up working out to be even more in total for the year.

Plus nearly any online game whether it is Call of Duty, Battle Field or even GTA they will introduce micro transactions where you can pay extra money to get better gear. Which the worst offender Battle Front 2 how much it was pay to win made some countries change there laws to class it as gambling. So if you want to be ahead and get the best gear you would have to pay extra money or you would be at a disadvantage against other players who did pay the extra money. So you would have to pay this on top of buying the game and the subscription service, however these services were not a thing for older games when they came out.

So over all the price of gaming its getting more and more expensive as each year goes past and its just going to get more expensive as time goes on.

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